
General information: Thursdays, 16:00 – 17:00 Central European Time

Month TopicLecturer
February 20th,
Circulating biomarkers in oncology – past, present and future
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Radek Kucera
Registration link
Prof. Dr. Stefan Holdenrieder,
Technical University Munich, Germany
April 3rd,
Optimizing Biochemical Tumor Marker Testing and Interpretation
Moderator: Dr. Huub van Rossum
Registration link
Prof. Dr. Qing Meng, MD
Anderson Cancer Center, USA
June 12th,
Prostate cancer research looking at proteomes and other
omics work

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Vathany Kulasingam
Registration link
Dr. Thomas Kislinger,
University of Toronto, Canada
October 2nd,
Personalized neo-adjuvant immunotherapy for melanoma
based on IFNу signatures

Moderator: Dr. Huub van Rossum
Registration link
Dr. Christian Blank,
Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 13th,
Retrospective analyses of stored serial samples to
discover early detection biomarkers by identifying
candidates which change over time in cases while
remaining relatively flat in non-cases

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Vathany Kulasingam
Registration link
Dr. Steven Skates,
Mass General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, USA