Dear collegues, dear participants,
On behalf of the Board and the Congress Organizing Committee of the
ISOBM – International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers –
I am pleased to invite you to actively participate in the –
46th ISOBM Congress 13th – 17th October 2022
Rikli Balance Hotel Bled, SLOVENIA

Screening and prognostic markers in Cancer diseases
The 2022 Congress aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and medical clinicians from all fields of oncology to exchange and share their experiences and research results with emphasis on tumour markers and their role in diagnosis and therapy.
Relevant new findings in research, diagnosis and clinical Oncology – as well as technical developments, standardization and quality control, will be presented by opinion leaders in Oral and Poster presentations, along with panel discussions and special topic seminars. In addition, as during recent years, the EGTM (European Group of Tumour Markers) will present their Guidelines on optimal use of Tumour Markers and their clinical interpretation.
For more information please visit the 46th ISOBM Congress website.
- Organ Specific Cancers
- Cancer risk factors
- Cancer Diagnostics and Screening; optimizing diagnosis
- Predictive Biomarkers
- Digital Biomarkers
- Cancer Therapy
- Personalized medicine: Genomics/epigenetics/proteomics
- Microbiome
- Biomarkers in Clinical trials
- Bio banking
Barak Vivian (ISR),
Chapman Caroline (UK),
Chechlinska Magdalena (POL),
Cree Ian (UK),
Diamandis Elephterios (CAN),
Duffy Joe (IRL),
Ecke Thorsten (GER),
Fritsche Herbert (USA),
Holdenrieder Stefan (GER),
Kulasingam Vathany (CAN),
Lanišnik-Rižner Tea (SLO),
Marc Janja (SLO),
Moro Ricardo (CAN),
Nicolini Andrea (ITA),
Oehr Peter (JAP),
Osredkar Joško (SLO),
Podgornik Helena (SLO),
Sell Stewart (USA),
Topolcan Ondrej (CZE)
President: Osredkar Joško,
Vice-president: Lanišnik-Rižner Tea,
Members: Mlinarič-Raščan Irena, Fabjan Teja, Kumer Kristina